
Stillwater Pioneer Athlete Memorial

In 1995 former Stillwater Pioneer coach James Harris entertained the idea of honoring past Pioneers for their athletic achievements and at the same time provide a way to develop a fund to provide scholarships for graduating Pioneer student athletes to help them further their academic goals.


Out of this idea the Stillwater Pioneer Athlete Memorial Committee was formed, mostly of past Pioneer athletes, but all Stillwater High School graduates. This committee was later to become the Board of Directors and after some fine tuning, they came up with a procedure to annually recognize former Stillwater High School athletes, coaches and citizens or boosters who made a significant contribution to the school’s athletic programs


In May 2000, with many generous gifts and contributions to the scholarship fund, the Board of Directors was able to present its’ first scholarship award. This scholarship, named in honor of coach James Harris, is a $12,000.00 stipend given over a 4 year period. To date, the board has awarded 25 scholarships to deserving, graduating Pioneer athletes.


Coach Harris’s dream, and the goal of the Board, is to fund the endowment to the point of being able to present several substantial scholarships per year. With the continuous, amazing support of Pioneer graduates, friends, supporters and well wishers we are getting closer to attaining that dream.


Stillwater Pioneer Athlete Memorial is a 501 (c) (3) IRS corporation, so contributions that you make are tax deductible and can be sent to the Stillwater Pioneer Athlete Memorial, P.O. Box 351, Stillwater, OK 74076.

Carmain Family

Griffith Family

Bradley Family